Thursday, January 28, 2010


My initial reaction to the news that we'd be starting our own newspaper concentrating on Liberty City was generally one of excitement. I hadn't ever been a part of such an ambitious project before so it certainly seemed like something which could produce some really cool results. I also liked the idea because I felt I still needed experience in order to be a capable reporter. This experience goes beyond individual class assignments. I also found it cool that it'd be a forum where I can showcase my work.

It wasn't until we started talking about why we were doing this that I realizes the greater purpose than the one that serves me. Professor Reisner has this saying that ethnic communities like Liberty City are usually covered with "fun, food, and festivals." Liberty City. in particular, is usually covered because of its corruption and crime (grand scale crime only though). I came to realize that this project extends further than just those of us who are covering the city. It's us extending a voice to a segment of society that is often left voiceless. Our trip to Jumbo's reaffirmed this belief. The people there where genuinely excited about what we were doing and even said "you're what we've been waiting for." That's really powerful and humbling. It conveys a hint of desperation and shows me that , hey, people really do need this and we've got the tools to help. Without having started yet, I feel as if I've learned the power of journalism. It does bring a tremendous amount of pressure and expectations. I just hope we can do right by this community.